E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (613) 384-1208





Because Heritage Fairs are non-competitive in nature we encourage you to ensure that participation in the Fairs program is a fun, educational experience for all students who take part and that the focus of your event is the opportunity to "share their stories" with the local community. 

Evaluation should be an integral part of the learning process for every student as he/she participates in the development of a Heritage Fair project in the classroom. To make this a meaningful experience for students the Fairs programs should be integrated into the regular classroom program and evaluated by the classroom teacher in the same way that other classroom experiences are evaluated. Student achievement and excellence should be recognized.

Sites wishing to send delegates to the Provincial Fair must also evaluate projects and students to determine which students would benefit most from the experience and be great ambassadors for their Regional Fairs. For this reason it is important that each site has a fair and impartial means of evaluating the projects that are shared at their Regional Fair.

If you are looking for ideas for project evaluation at your Regional Fair you might want to click on the link below and check out some samples from other sites in Ontario